Dangers of the Metaverse

Cooper Dubois Portland
4 min readFeb 11, 2022

You’ve probably heard Metaverse in the news recently, but are you aware of the dangers of the Metaverse? Well, this isn’t a new idea — it has been around for decades. It’s described as a hypothetical internet interaction as a universal world using virtual headsets.

However, some tech enthusiasts believe that the road to Metaverse is only half-paved. Others say it’s double-edged. As tech giants bet big on the immersive digital world, there are many questions about its harms. Here are some potential dangers of the Metaverse.


The only way Metaverse is practical is when a lot of information is gathered from the users. But we have seen some people use technology and exploit it for their selfish benefits. It’s common knowledge that many social media platforms use public data and profit from it. Some say Metaverse could result in online harassment and bullying.

Since we live in an all-encompassing digital environment, the sensory experience is heightened. Although some tech companies have promised to keep safety in mind, the scale looks impossible. Meta has asked some volunteers to test the concept to ensure there are no loopholes, but it is unlikely they would reveal any problems to the public.

The challenge with Metaverse is that everything happens in real-time. This means that it will be almost impossible to track down any misbehavior. Abusers could also target children in a game through headsets. Because most incidences are not recorded in any way, the actions are difficult to document. That leaves many people wondering if this could become a haven for abusive users?


The idea of Metaverse may sound like a brilliant one but can be a platform for companies to access our homes. Features like eye-tracking can help tech companies identify the games they can render in high definition. It’s not hard to imagine a situation where the advertiser’s information is close to the eyes, so they compel us to buy the stuff.

According to New York Times, VR headsets could be a pathway to access biometric information previously unavailable to third parties. While governments can step in and impose stricter limits, they may not have much control. Unless there’s strict regulation, people should be wary that their personal details will be accessible to unauthorized parties.

Cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency is a sprawling alternative financial system. With Metaverse, the crypto scams may become more complicated. We have seen many scams where companies lure victims and steal their personal information. Some use famous brands to sell non-existence products and services. According to security experts, most scams happen in a virtual environment.

Problem with immersive advertising

Using the metaverse concept, nobody will know whether you’re an ad. Picture this — you’re walking down the street wearing reality glasses, and then a virtual car drives by. Is this the exact model of the vehicle you’ve been saving for? That is not likely to be a coincidence in the Metaverse.

Also, today’s TV shows may start to look grainy and ancient, like the first black and white movies. As more and more people enter the Metaverse, classic modes of communication like radio and TV will likely become less and less popular.

This fact has several disturbing consequences, with the main one being that it may well create a path for the circulation of misinformation. But there are more frightening possibilities to consider.

Metaverse could make reality disappear.

Over the last decade, social media technologies have led to all sorts of distortions, from botnets to fake news. We can turn off our phones for authentic world experiences, but intelligent algorithms still filter some information. Through VR, the real-world reality could disappear.

If this happens, the social division could directly threaten all of us. The shared experience of humans could quickly erode when everyone is spoon-fed only information that aligns with certain personal beliefs.

As you walk through the augmented world, it would be easy to be deceived into believing that everyone thinks just like you. In the virtual world, you’re likely to get inverse views. Again, if someone cannot afford AR hardware, the content will be invisible to them.

Unhealthy space for projections

Metaverse brings a concept where users can represent themselves in a fictional character. According to experts, this could create a questionable landscape, especially for those with self-esteem issues. The more immersed one becomes in the Metaverse, the more likely it could impact individuals’ perception of the real world.

Misinformation or manipulation

Unlike in the real world, users will be dependent on the virtual layers of information. This technology won’t be optional, just like how we need the internet today. But don’t be too quick to judge. Augmented reality has the power to enrich our lives and give thrilling experiences.

AR relies on technology, so it’s susceptible to manipulations. If we are not careful, Metaverse could be used by governments or large corporations to push disinformation to custom realities. The only way to avoid potential dangers is to proceed thoughtfully.

Like most impactful new technologies, once the damage is done, it’s virtually impossible to undo it. That is why the dangers of the Metaverse must be discussed now, critically, frequently, and openly.

